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  • Writer's picturePeter Murray

Does Social Value Equal Bottom Line Profit?

Producing effective advertisements usually requires an ability to entertain customers through spectacle or comedy. In the past few years, ad campaigns for companies like Dos Equis, AllState and Old Spice have earned the companies a popular following simply because they’re able to make people laugh.

However, a new paradigm has been opening in marketing that places a lot more value on the social impact that a company can have on our world. Consumers around the world are very conscious of how their buying decisions affect the global community, especially in these days of instant Internet access and ubiquitous social network presences.

This growing sense of social concern in advertising campaigns is well highlighted by this article published on Business 2 Community. For example, women’s cosmetic company Pantene has been producing video advertisements that carries the message of “Labels Against Women,” which is a reaction against gender bias in politics and other spheres of influence. Innocent Smoothies is another company that has used its ads to promote its “Chain of Good” message shows how the company’s entire production chain is devoted to making lives better for those that the company affects.

Social messages like this are paying off big time for corporations who find that consumers are looking for products they can buy that will help the world at large. Recent statistics from the 2013 Cone Communications Social Impact study found that 83 percent of the Americans surveyed wish brands would support social issues more often, and 41 percent made a buying decision because of a perceived social impact.

You can’t deny the impact of a message that supports the entire world and hopes for a better tomorrow. Omni Media Productions will help you produce advertisements that leverage your company’s social value into bottom line profit for your business. Call us today for a consultation on our video production and other technical services.

Tags: Does Social Value Equal Bottom Line Profit?, quality video production, social concern in advertising campaigns, social messages video production, video advertising, video production, video production trends

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