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  • Writer's picturePeter Murray

Tips for Shooting and Producing Content for the Web

With more online competition than ever, it’s important to utilize all forms of content to engage your visitors online. Multimedia content can assist with fueling your social media and website conversions efforts. By choosing to hire a video production company you can ensure that the final product will present your company in a professional light.

Here are a few tips for shooting and producing content for the web:

• Look the Part – If the video is going to be formatted with a one on one interview, it’s recommended to hire a professional makeup artist. This is because the camera will showcase and exaggerate any imperfections.

• Short and Sweet – When shooting for the web, try and keep the video around 90 seconds. You will receive a better viewer response with videos that run below three minutes.

• Utilize the Production Company – Professionals are professionals for a reason; when hiring a video production company they will assist you with all aspects of your video. Take advantage of their expertise by asking questions and listening to their advice.

• Share the Final Product – Aside from your website there are multiple platforms available for sharing your final video. One of the great aspects of investing in a professional video is that it can be used on social media and blogs to increase website visitors.

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