Video marketing is no longer a luxurious marketing move; it’s a necessity. So the question is no longer, “should we budget for video production?” but “where do we post our video?” The answer may, again, be obvious, but one of the best places to put your business’ video is on YouTube.
If you had any doubt, look at the number one example from 2014: the ALS ice bucket challenge campaign. In addition to spawning spoof upon spoof, it also raised over $100 million to combat Lou Gehrig’s disease from over 3 million people. And that wasn’t even the reach; that was only the people who donated.
And it all started on YouTube.

Still not sold on YouTube? We’ve put together a quick list of other reasons that YouTube should be one of your top candidates as a viewing platform.
First, there is no other marketing medium with a fraction of the reach of YouTube. Each month, there are over 1 billion unique visitors to the site, as well as 6 billion hours of video consumed.
Next, 70% of the top 100 google results for most search phrases are YouTube videos, according to Marketing Week. It’s automatic search-engine optimization.
Third, you’re getting way more bang for your buck. The share-ability is second nature to most consumers, meaning that while you pay for the initial product, your potential consumers take the ball from there in order to expand the reach.
Finally, it’s all about the feedback. Comments on YouTube are easily accessed and high-speed. They let you know what consumers think about your products and services in real time. For free.
For more tips and tricks on video marketing, keep up to date with our blog. And for all of your video production and webcasting needs, contact Omni Media Production Limited today.