You’ll find our Ontario film crew easy to work with – professional, but able to make it a fun shoot. It’s an art to have fun during a production, and come away with a killer final cut. An art which the Omni Media crew has perfected.
We make it a habit to arrive early, anywhere in Canada, so we are ready.
Our crews come in all sizes. From a single shooter with video camera, tripod, mics and several lights, to sound techs, gaffers, lighting experts, make-up artists and additional shooters on multiple camera productions. For video production in Canada, it is our assurance that you will delight in working with any one of the Omni Media crews.
Java junkies note, we have all worked together long enough that we know what each other takes in their coffee!!
Our association with Maryland-based, Crews Control dates back 15+ years and we are proud to be associated with Andrea Keating and her team as an approved Toronto Ontario video team. Their intake rules are stringent!