Watch any popular program on television with the sound off. You can’t help but notice the numerous camera angles and edits. That is because with the sound off you experience a loss of continuity. You can better “see” some of the building blocks of a great presentation.
Sky-cams, zip line cams, micro cams and steady cams all bring new angles to production that give you the “I am there” feeling. Even wireless video cameras now offer views that excite and engage the viewer at home, or in the audience, as they look up to huge video screens for a close-up of the scene they cannot see even when seated in the front row!
So why engage a webcasting company that offers broadcast-style cameras?
The primary reason is experience, but add to that the ability to fully control the image size (and the sound quality).
An iphone does a good job with your instagram photos and family videos. It can even do an OK job streaming a live event. But without any lens control or more importantly, no control over the level of sound from any one or more people talking, it has considerable restrictions.
A single, quality camera paired with just one microphone greatly increases the viewing comfort for anyone watching a video presentation whether live or pre-recorded. Add a second or third camera for the production of a variation of angles (audience views, wide shot, host shot, birdseye view!) and any needed additional microphones (attended by an audio technician) and now you have a show that approaches or exceeds the level of ‘broadcast quality’.
There is a crew behind the scenes that is overseeing your show. You likely see the videographers out on the floor behind their rigs. Those cameras are wired to a vision mixer or switcher, which is commanded by a Producer. He or she is in touch with each operator via intercom, requesting shots or selecting from shots offered to them by the qualified camera person.
Now the viewer has the experience of close-ups that mobile devices cannot offer. The viewer also gets to see the different perspectives each extra camera offers.
It is a big job to make a multiple camera production come together. Planning, rehearsals, professional technicians and the right video and sound equipment that is well maintained and to current specifications.
Turn the sound back up because an old axiom in television/video production is that sound is ‘better than’ 50% of picture. Your webcasting company that offers broadcast-style cameras is also bringing sensitive, broadcast-quality microphones to record the audio. Because when you cannot hear what is being said, you cannot fully understand what is going on; no matter how clear the picture is.
About Omni Media
Omni Media Productions is an established television production company based in Ontario, Canada. Our level of expertise has provided top-notch video production services across Canada and internationally. We have gained success due to the personalized service and well-maintained equipment that we bring to every project.
Our highly knowledgeable on-staff Ontario film crews will execute pro-level videography, webcasting, and video editing services. Utilizing professionals with years of video production experience is essential for any project. Omni Media Productions strives to exceed the expectations of our clients, and helps turn their vision into a reality.